Recently Diagnosed

Prostate cancer is like golf. You need to play it as it lies. Because the disease is variable, each treatment solution requires a unique strategy.” – Dr. Charles Myers



I’ve just been diagnosed, what’s next?

  • If you or someone you love has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer, there are some basic questions to ask your Urologist to begin to understand, next steps.


1. What stage is my prostate cancer? Is it at an early stage, or is it more advanced and spread to other areas of my body (metastasized)? How did you make that conclusion?

2. How long do you suspect I’ve had prostate cancer and how quickly is the tumor growing?

3. Is my prostate cancer treatable?

  • What type of treatments should I consider (pros & cons)?
  • What are the side effects of each treatment option?
  • What if any will affect my quality-of-life (erectile dysfunction, incontinence etc?)

4. What is your recommendation, assuming you were the same age and general health?

5. Do you have any suggestions regarding how I should prepare for the treatment? i.e. exercises, diet, recovery time, pain, etc?

6. How long will it most likely take for me to get back to my normal routines and social activities? How soon can I resume sexual intimacy and what will I need to make this happen?

7. Could you tell me which treatment(s) you are qualified to provide? Is there a local support group where I can speak with recent patients and understand treatment options from their point of view?

8. Where can I look at to better understand my condition? Can you tell me if there is a local support group or source that can help answer my questions?

9. Do you mind if I get a second opinion from another urologist? Who would you suggest?

10. Will you continue to be my doctor after treatment and work with me about concerns that might arise?

Note: If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and would like to talk to someone please contact us at Our team have been where you are and we may be able to help. There is no obligation to join our support group.